From GDP/57 James Bennetts Williams
James Bennetts Williams (1856-1924) worked in the Cornish tin mines. During the latter decades of the nineteenth century, the tin-mining industry in Cornwall went into decline. Looking for work, Williams emigrated to Bolivia. In this entry, he describes his departure from England.
September 26 1883
Got up just before 7 A.M. I took a walk up the street & bought a card to send home to my wife then came back and had a good breakfast. I went up to see the Museum &c. & bought a cup to take with me. Finished my letter to my wife & then had dinner & got ready to go on board the Galicia. We went down to the Wharf about 3 P.M. the tender Warrior took us out to the boat, we got ready & weighed anchor about 5-30 wind blowing strong every indication of a rough night. We then went below & had supper but we soon threw it all up again. I turned in, in my bed stayed there all night got up early next morning.