
GDP 386 are the diaries of a train spotter. The entries are frequent and regular. Mr John-Miller recounts at the top of most entries - as a form of perfunctory subtitle - the weather for the day. He often writes in some detail about his whereabouts throughout the day and in the evening; generally spent at work or home, he often notes what entertainment he decides on in the evening or what type of evening meal he had. Through these brief details a portrait of a man is pieced together - and yet another piece of history is made.

2018-06-29T12:18:23+01:00By |Latest News|

Mine’s a slider

GDP 385 - spent much of her life fruitfully caring for her family. During the second world war she was one of a new army of women called on to become over-night engineers and worked assiduously on plane exit slides for the RAF.

2018-06-25T12:12:51+01:00By |Latest News|

The Motorcycle Diaries

A recent addition to the archive consists of the motorcycle diaries of Father Wilkinson, a beloved and loving priest, who had a passion for the open road. And butter. He created - possibly - the first motorcycle butter fridge. Will travel BUT will also have butter. The diaries chart over 50 years of motorcycling - a little bit about dairy and some ecclesiastical - history.

2018-06-21T12:12:30+01:00By |Latest News|
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